The resounding theme in this week's reading centres around the importance of communities, as well as preserving charity within communities.
In Chapter 33.8, there is a recollection of how Our Lord always sends people "two by two". In the Gospel of St. Matthew, Our Lord also said “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.". This reiterates the importance of communities in the Christian life. But... why are communities so important, so beneficial, so necessary for the soul?
Firstly, communities can help to foster a spirit of accountability. For example, in our legion, we have to report the number of catenas, rosaries, and masses that we have prayed or attended in the week, under the reports of work. This practice helps us to keep track of our spiritual life, and more importantly, our prayer life. It is so easy to give up a day of praying the Rosary, or attending Mass, out of laziness, and we are more likely to do so if we do not have to account for it to someone.
Secondly, communal prayer is much more efficacious and powerful than individual prayer. Now, don't get me wrong. Individual prayer is just as necessary as community prayer. Everyone needs to have some personal time with the Lord. But, did not Our Lord say "where two or three are gathered in [His] name, [He] will be there in our midst"? Let's also recollect the Gospel story of the paralytic man and the 4 men who carried him to the Lord. Now, there are some days where you and I feel down in the dumps, and are not so well-disposed to "pray well". This is where the community comes in — because other people in the community will, like the 4 men, help to "carry the prayer", and thus carry us (or whoever the suffering person is) to the Lord.
And it is precisely because of how important communities are, that Satan will do his best to destroy every single praying community, by sowing discord, hatred, anger, jealousy, bitterness, unforgiveness...etc. And thus, we have to be on our guard, and try our best to always preserve the peace and charity within the community, with God's Grace and plenty of prayer (yes, especially the Rosary, because Satan fears Our Lady tremendously).
Now, there is no doubt that every community has at least 1 difficult member. But as the saying goes, difficult people are truly sanctifying. They help the community to grow. I know what you're thinking... I'm bonkers. Nope! As painful as it sounds, difficult people/"thorns" in our flesh are most necessary for growth and purification. Because it often demands much from us, to overcome our natural instinct to react with anger, unforgiveness, hatred (i could go on), and to respond with grace, love, mercy and forgiveness instead.
And since we are feeble creatures who are unable to do much good without the grace of God, this is where we have to throw ourselves into the hands of God, lean on His Sacred Heart as St. John the Evangelist did, and depend entirely on Him to supply us the strength and grace to overcome our weaknesses/sinful tendencies and to be charitable instead.
And this, my friends, is how difficult people are sanctifying for our souls.
In Chapter 33.9, Frank Duff talks about the importance of recruiting new members in the Legion. While recruiting new members is important, I think the underlying goal, which is that of saving souls, is what stands out more.
The Legion encourages and fosters a great love for Our Lady, who is often neglected by many Catholics, out of ignorance. And Our Lady, as we know, is most necessary for each of us to grow closer to Jesus and to attain sanctity. With all the beautiful fruits of the Legion of Mary, there is no doubt then, that we should try our best to introduce and encourage our contacts to join the Legion.
Of course, this does not mean that we should be forcing every Catholic friend of ours into the Legion. After all, there are many different types of communities and prayer groups in the Catholic Church, and every person is attracted to each based on the charisms and gifts that God has given him/her. Perhaps, instead of focusing only on inviting people to join the Legion of Mary, our main focus should be that of praying for everyone to come to know and love Mary, and have a devotion to Her.