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14 October 2024- Legion Handbook Chapter 37 (Suggestions as to work, The Book Barrow): Introduction and point 8

Experience has shown the immense value of this as a legionary work. There is no more efficacious way of carrying on a comprehensive apostolate directed to the good, the mediocre, and the bad, or of bringing the Church to the notice of the unthinking many. Therefore, the Legion earnestly desires that in every large centre there should be at least one of these. – Legion Chapter 37.8

Today’s spiritual reading from the handbook is about the book barrow. We are reminded that evangelization can happen anywhere, whether with other Catholics or people of other faiths. Remember, our simple interactions –like the book barrow, can sow seeds of conversion and repentance. Non-Catholics get to know about our faith, fallen away Catholics may come home after many years and lukewarm Catholics will be inflamed.

As our blessed Lord said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matt 9:37-38. He has already revealed to us that he wants to send us out, so what are we waiting for?

Remember, as what st Maximilian Kolbe said "We have no right to rest as long as a single soul is Satan’s slave". O most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have Mercy on us!

Have a blessed week brothers and sisters!


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