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17 January - The Legion Handbook Chapter 37.13- Promoting the Practice of Daily Mass and Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament

"Every day, as is desirable, and in the greatest possible numbers, the faithful must take an active part in the sacrifice of the Mass, avail themselves of the pure, holy refreshment of Holy Communion and make a suitable thanksgiving in return for this great gift of Christ the Lord. "– Legion Handbook chapter 37.13

Today's reading touches on the eucharist's centrality in our lives. As our blessed Lord mentioned in John 6:54, "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life."  

As mentioned in the CCC 1324, "the eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian Life" Why is this so? This is because the Eucharist becomes the literal body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. It gives us an intimate union with Christ, and this causes multiple fruits to grow.

Hence, the eucharist is necessary to help us grow in our spiritual life and, in a sense, is a hope – that we will one day unite with Christ in the beatific vision.

Since we already know that it is the blood and body of Christ, we must do everything to show him the proper respect he deserves, which is the virtue of justice. The first thing I would point out is a prayer before and after communion, which we should all do.

Secondly, we should always try to visit the Lord willingly in our daily lives. It does not have to be daily, but it is something we strive to do. A good example would be a simple visit to the adoration room to adore our blessed Lord. Remember that in the adoration room, our Lord came as vulnerable as when he came to the shepherds in the manger 2000 years ago and as Christ said to Peter, "So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?" Matthew 26:40.

Finally, please receive communion worthily. 1 Corinthians 11:29 says For all who eat and drink without discerning the body, eat and drink judgment against themselves. Additionally, you are doing the same thing as Judas – giving him the kiss of peace that led him to be crucified.

I will end of with St Thomas Aquinas' commentary about the last supper, which states, "One eats and drinks sacramentally or in a sacramental way, if he receives the sacrament; and one eats and drinks spiritually or in a spiritual way, if he attains to the reality of the sacrament….one eats his flesh and drinks his blood in a spiritual way if he is united to him [Christ] through faith and love, so that one is transformed into him and becomes his member: for this food is not changed into the one who eats it, but it turns the one who takes it into itself, as we see in Augustine, when he says: 'I am the food of the robust. Grow and you will eat me. Yet you will not change me into yourself, but you will be transformed into me.' And so this is a food capable of making man divine and inebriating him with divinity."

So, my brothers and sisters, let's aim to give God his due, especially since he came to us now in the humblest of ways—as bread.


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